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Home MenuHUD Vash Vouchers
The Sioux City Housing Authority (SCHA) has partnered with the Department of Veterans Affairs to offer Rental Assistance for homeless veterans.
What is the HUD-VASH Program?
The HUD-Veterans Affairs Supportive Housing (HUD-VASH) Voucher Program combines HUD Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) Rental Assistance Program for homeless veterans with case management and clinical services provided by the Veterans Affairs (VA) at its medical centers and in the community.
How do families apply for the HUD-VASH Program?
The case managers at the VA are responsible for accepting applications and referring eligible homeless veterans to Sioux City Housing Authority. Therefore, any interested homeless veteran will need to contact the VA office directly. SCHA has no role in determining or verifying the veteran's homeless status. Only the VA will make that determination.
How do PHA's select families for the HUD-VASH Program?
Families are determined eligible through the Department of Veterans Affairs and send as a referral to the Sioux City Housing Authority.
What is the history of the HUD-VASH Program?
The SCHA took into account the population of homeless veterans needing services in the Sioux City area and the number of homeless veterans served by the homeless programs at the Sioux Falls Veterans Assistance Center and the Sioux City Affairs Office to begin a HUD-VASH Program in Sioux City.
Currently, the Sioux City Housing Authority has 25 vouchers which were awarded in 2010.
The SCHA is recognized in the community for providing rental assistance, and this increases the number of families they are able to assist to 1200 families through the Housing Choice Voucher Program.